EMOTIONAL FREEDOM – What Is It and How do I Get Some?

“When my life is going well, I feel good. But when my life doesn’t go well, I don’t feel very good.”

Are you riding an emotional roller coaster? Business booms, health is good, children behave well – you feel calm and peaceful. But when there’s too much to do, clients disappear, your boss is unreasonable, the children don’t behave – do you feel anxious and irritated?

Emotional Freedom is the ability to stay peaceful in our minds and bodies regardless of the situation. Often easier said than done; life is sometimes one endless stream of gold plated invitations to react!

Here’s a trivial example:
Just last week I was happily picking up a parcel at my small town post office. Then … I noticed the postal clerk had MY HAIRCUT! For several weeks I had been enjoying compliments on my first fresh haircut in years. Then THIS PERSON had the AUDACITY to take MY cut. How DARE my hairdresser give her MY CUT!! Although I was pleasant to her on the outside – my inside truth was I was REACTIVE!

Although this example appears trivial, after many years as a psychotherapist and coach, I know that life is always bringing us opportunities to heal and grow. So, back in the car, I decided to ‘unwrap’ this gift using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). I tapped on acupressure points saying the acceptance phrase ‘Even though I’m having this angry reaction, I accept myself anyway.’

Two things happened that typify the EFT process.

1) anger dissolved as the emotional brain was calmed and
2) I became curious about what upset me about this situation and I recognized an unconscious repeating pattern in my life where I hold resentment because ‘I put effort into ‘projects’ and someone else reaps the benefit.’

As I continue clearing this pattern with EFT/tapping, I’ll increase my ability to respond to life consciously rather than unconsciously and I will experience greater health, harmony and happiness. That’s emotional freedom!

Check out our upcoming winter “DISCOVER the POWER” of EFT, 3 day training workshop in Toronto and begin your journey towards emotional freedom!

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