Resources for educators, therapists, teachers and tappers

Source Credit: ‎Jondi Whitis‎ 

I’m going to take this opportunity to celebrate the many people, educators, therapists, teachers and Tappers who’ve patiently waited for years for this Tapping Tipping point to crest and find them and their work.

Some are retired now but deserve our respect and thanks for paving the way for all of us.  

All of our “Tapping for children” probably owe big homage to the early work of the Denison’s (CA) that created Brain Gym, then Edu-K, classes and concepts that were so ahead of the curve. And Donna Eden who features many of those things along with her own.
And although many of these are probably on the TappingStar site, under Resources, here for all of us, for years.

With my gratitude, here are a few that come to my mind right now:

Anne Unsworth’s EFT for Children (UK)
Angie Mucillo’s Tapping for Kids (AU)
Steve Wells’ Rose & the Night Monsters (AU)
Goodbye OuLynne Namka’s chies & Grouchies (AZ)
Brad Yates’ Wizards Wish (CA)
Gallagher/Karjala’s Taming Trauma Beasties (GA)
Lionel Lowry’s Super Emotions (KY)
Sue Busen’s Tapping Into Joy (IL)
Patsy Anthony’s Tapping with Children (CA)
Jan Yordy’s Be the Boss of Your Feelings (CN)
Jayne Ferreira’s Tapping Away the Blues (CN)
Terry Lynch’s Stressfish Guide to EmoTrance (NJ)
Elizabeth Solana Calabro’s Tapping for Teachers (CA)
Christy Lynn Anana’s I can Feel Better (WA)
Alex Kent’s Big Ted’s Guide to Tapping (UK)

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