Better Sleep with these 3 EFT/Tapping Tips – World Sleep Day

March 15th is World Sleep Day, an opportunity to recognize the pivotal role of sleep in global health, with a focal point on promoting Sleep Equity. This overarching theme underscores the imperative of ensuring universal access to adequate and quality sleep, regardless of socioeconomic status or geographical location.

Despite heightened awareness regarding the significance of sleep, sleep-related issues persist on a global scale. From insomnia to sleep apnea, various disorders impede individuals’ physical and mental well-being. Moreover, disparities in access to healthcare, education, and employment further compound these challenges, exacerbating discrepancies in sleep quality and duration across diverse populations.

The pursuit of sleep equity is not merely about individual health but extends to broader societal implications. Adequate sleep is fundamental to cognitive function, emotional stability, immune response, and overall productivity. Conversely, insufficient sleep correlates with an increased risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular ailments, and mental health disorders.

World Sleep Day 2024 seeks to elevate awareness, advocate for policy reforms, and promote research initiatives that prioritize sleep health as a fundamental human right. As part of this endeavor, I had the privilege of engaging with Sleep Coach and NeftTi Conscious EFT Master graduate Carol Richard to share three practical strategies addressing sleep issues. These strategies encompass daytime relaxation, bedtime routines, and coping strategies for nighttime wakefulness.

In unity toward this cause, let us collectively endeavor to cultivate a world where all individuals have equitable access to restorative sleep, thereby fostering healthier individuals and communities globally.

Sweet dreams,


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