EFT Tapping Research Update from Dr. Peta Stapleton

Staying up to date on the latest research in the EFT Tapping community can feel like herding cats sometimes. That’s why here at NeftTi we’re dedicated to sharing the research that we’ve vetted and bring it right to your virtual door step 🙂 

In this short video Dr. Peta Stapleton covers groundbreaking new research in Emotional Freedom Techniques. From a new study that illustrates how the brain changes in real time in an MRi machine using only Imaginal tapping to a study showing significant biomarker improvements when using EFT for dental anxiety.

My favourite in 2022 was a new research paper from Dr. David Feinstein showing improved clinical results when EFT/tapping is incorporated into standard therapy applications like cognitive behavioural therapy. This is NeftTi’s ‘jam’! 

Thank you Dr. Peta, we very much appreciate your commitment to sharing the latest from the EFT research field.