Monique Verpoort: Are Your Tire of Putting Yourself Last?

Highlighted Community Member: Monique Verpoort

Women have been socialized to put the well-being of others first – but at what cost? The belief that we need to be there for everyone but ourselves can wreak havoc on our health and well-being and can make us lose touch with what actually excites and fulfills us. Feeling somewhat empty and directionless, we may in fact be wondering, “Is this all there is?”

Seeking a fuller life is not a selfish act. When we take inspired action, we motivate others to do the same. Diminishing yourself benefits no one – especially not you!

In my soon to be released book – “Is This All There Is: Living a life beyond Obligation”, readers are introduced to a powerful tool known as Emotional Freedom Techniques. EFT (tapping) is a form of acupressure that allows us to access and dissolve the sub-conscious beliefs that often prevent us from experiencing a life of greater potential, joy and contribution.

Unearthing new beliefs that empower and support our growth through tapping opens us up to a new world full of possibilities. EFT will provide you with the freedom to choose how you want to take control of your own life.

The WHY behind the book
One of my main motivations for writing this book is quite frankly my strong desire to enable women to love themselves enough to listen to their own hearts by working through the stories they have bought into about their lack of self-worth and dreams that go unrealized as a result.

My “hook” is to appeal to women who put everyone else’s needs above their own and are left unfulfilled and often driving on empty. By including real life stories of women (you know who you are ladies!) my vision was to provide examples of struggle and transformation that might be highly relatable to many, demonstrating what is possible with perseverance and a commitment to real change.

I also wanted a mechanism to spread the gospel of EFT to a mainstream audience, those women who may not ordinarily seek out more non-traditional modalities to ease their distress or life dissatisfaction.

To this end, I attempt to introduce the concept of energy psychology and the body as an energy system with the assumption that this might be a foreign concept for many of the readers of this book. Laying down this foundation is, in my view, a necessary first step in order to provide context for the body’s meridian system and how tapping on one’s face can kick start the process of transformation and potentially lead to a life of enhanced possibility and fulfillment.

Lastly, my passion for EFT and the recognition of ethical responsibility that is part and parcel of being a practitioner was equally important to me. As such, this book is meant to encourage the reader to ask pertinent questions of any practitioner to ensure they are trauma-informed and are able to provide safety and containment for the client. It goes without saying that NeftTI is given a big shout-out and by extension, NeftTI graduates can hopefully expect a surge in interest…and clients.

The book’s launch is scheduled for November 2019. Please stay tuned!


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