EFT And Adjectives

One of my favourite curious questions to ask a client is,

‘When you consider that particular topic/person/situation – what three adjectives come to mind?’

I find this question helpful on many levels.

It gives me a sense of the intensity of dysregulation in the client’s nervous system around that topic/person/situation.  It also gives me information about the nature of the dysregulation, is it sympathetic over activation or is it more dorsal frozen intensity?

And then of course it gives me information about the quality of the client’s relationship with that topic/person/situation.  And one thing I know for sure is that it is the quality of our relationships that determines the quality of our life experience.

So, I encourage you to take just a moment and answer the question in regard to your relationship with the year 2020.  When you consider the year 2020, what three adjectives come to your mind?

And you could do some very straightforward Conscious EFT™ that will likely improve the quality of your relationship with 2020 … and therefore the quality of your life experience.

I’ll give you an example; my first adjective is ‘ironic’.  

A year that brought so much misery to so many also brought many rewards.  So, my Set Up Phrase would just be

‘Even though 2020 was an ironic year for me, I accept this is how I think and feel about it.’  

Repeat the Set Up three times on the Side of Hand point and then repeat the Reminder phrase, ‘Ironic’, on the rest of the points. Even this simple acknowledgement of how you think and feel brings a measure of comfort, safety and peace to your nervous system.

And of course, since EFT is great at opening up information that hasn’t been consciously accessible, be prepared to experience more clarity about why you are thinking and feeling the way you do!

Nancy Forrester

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