Trauma Talks Conference – June 8, 2018

Bridging Brain and Body with Trauma-informed Care

Join us for a day of keynote speakers, workshops, and discussion with experts in psychological trauma as we consider the connections between the brain and body in the context of trauma-informed practice. 

Agenda Announced

June 8th, 2018 

Women’s College Hospital Conference Centre

Toronto, ON

Trauma Talks 2018’s full program is now online!

Visit to see the incredible list of workshops, panels, paper presentations, and posters that will accompany keynote addresses by Dr. Ruth Lanius and Dr. Ame Cutler on June 8th, 2018.

Early Bird Extended

($219 regular, $139 student + HST)
Extended to April 30th!
The conference is filling up fast so sign up now to save your spot.


Excited to announce that Nancy Forrester and Lynda Rees will be presenting a workshop on EFT during this event.  

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT/tapping) for Trauma-Informed Treatment

Presenters: Nancy E. Forrester, Executive Director, National Emotional Freedom Techniques Training Institute; Lynda M. Rees, RN, RMFT, M.Sc
Presentation Format: Workshop
Skill Level: All
Abstract: Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is an evidence based, mind body therapeutic modality that brings significant value to trauma informed practice. The most highly researched form of energy psychology, over 84 studies support its effectiveness for anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and PTSD.
EFT facilitates gentle, rapid results through its innovative blend of cognitive-behavioural, affective and somatic therapies combined with self-application of eastern acupressure techniques.
Importantly, EFT not only provides value to patients, but also offers compassion fatigue protection for clinicians.
This workshop explains how EFT integrates within Herman’s Tri-Phasic trauma therapy approach:
Phase One: Stabilization
a) Using EFT therapeutically and as self-help for emotional and physiological self-regulation and symptom management, empowering patients to reliably create internal and external safety.
b) Using EFT, within a patient led and controlled process, to enhance trust and collaboration in the therapeutic relationship.
Phase Two: Trauma Memory Processing
How EFT offers a targeted and titrated trauma resolution strategy reducing abreactions to nil and elevating patient hope, expectancy and compliance.
Phase Three: Reconnection
How EFT clears residue from trauma-defined beliefs and personality traits, empowering the patient to redefine how they choose to feel, think and act today to create the meaningful life they desire.

Learning objectives:
The participant will:

  1. Describe the brain/body neuroscience underlying EFT’s effectiveness.
  2. Explain the breadth and depth of how EFT is integrated into a tri-phasic trauma treatment plan.
  3. Demonstrate the basic EFT algorithm.

Nancy E. Forrester, Executive Director, National Emotional Freedom Techniques Training Institute; Lynda M. Rees, RN, RMFT, M.Sc



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