You Can’t Pour From an Empty Cup


Featured: Debbie Vandenakker
NeftTI Certified Emotional Success Coach with a Specialty as an Accredited EFT Practitioner


I’ve always liked this saying. It resonates well with me as the image of being completely empty is easy for me to see. What I didn’t realize was that the cup is never actually empty – part of the space is always occupied by our past experiences. Good and bad. When I say bad, I mean the stuff that causes us to doubt ourselves, to hide ourselves and to be so terribly hard on ourselves. That stuff takes up a whack-load of room and makes it hard for the good stuff in our lives to compete.

This is really what I do when I coach clients. We figure out what the bad stuff is, and we remove it from your cup forever, so that you get to fill it up with good, great and fantastic stuff that keeps you smiling and energized. The reality is, that regardless of how good or “bad” our lives have been, we have made decisions about ourselves that make us feel “less than”. We usually don’t even know what those decisions were off-hand. Nothing gives me greater satisfaction than to work with a Mom to find those decisions and change your mind about them. It is a truly healing and magical moment when that kind of weight is lifted from someone’s shoulders.

Have a watch of this short video, and for those of you that have some “bad” stuff in your cup that is getting in the way of the good stuff – schedule a call to chat about how to get rid of it.

To connect with Debbie please contact her through her appointment scheduler

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